
Performance and the art of war: Sun Tzu's teachings for business

Pioneering work "art of war, Sun Tzu was cited for thousands of historians, military tactics, and world leaders. In fact, this book is still recommended reading for United States Marine Corps. This timeless advice, I found one simple question: How can we apply the principles of war, Sun Tzu to our modern purpose to improve performance?

1. personal responsibility

Sun Tzu said: "If the words are clear and commands differs if orders are not careful, then, is to blame."

The bottom line: If you communicate poorly, any problems caused by unclear communication, your fault. Verify that every e-mail and chat, you have clear and distinct.

An important result of this aphorism is important to bear in mind: "but if his orders were clear, and the soldiers did not obey, the wines of their officials. If other people, hamper performance, take decisive action.

2. Maintain your cool

Sun Tzu said: "Disciplined and quiet, to await the appearance of chaos and hubbub among enemy: – this is the art of preserving self-possession '.

The bottom line: the fastest way to lose productivity is to lose your cool. Take a deep breath and think before acting hastily. If you can keep your wits about you in the face of crisis, it will serve you well.

An important quote that refers to this concept: "do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. Not to interfere with the army that returns home. "Staying productive and staying Professional are the same. Never lose your cool with your peers or bosses. At least not where he could get back to them.

3. be prepared

Sun Tzu said: "The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not a, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable. "

The bottom line: do your utmost to produce, because it's only a matter of time until something goes wrong. If you have a daily schedule, working two days in advance to give yourself into the buffer. Take initiative to track trends in your Department, so that when your boss asks you to compile a report already work. Think of all the possible complications that you have to put up with a plan and be ready for when the inevitable happens.

4. Work to get the job done

Sun Tzu said: "Opportunities multiply as they captured.

The bottom line: the Boss needs volunteers to stay and work on a late draft? Do it. Does your company need a speaker for Conference? Do it. More experience you get, the better will be your resume, and the higher the quality of your contacts. Just be careful spread yourself too thin.

5. Grow your social network

Sun Tzu said: "Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. "

The bottom line: stay in touch with former colleagues, colleagues, and Yes, even the bosses. You never know when a former business contact may recommend you a new position. But it's not enough just to stay in touch. You must have a plan on how you can use your connection.

Note: this quote, while Sun Tzu is likely apocryphal. However, this is good advice.

6. Dedicated

Sun Tzu said: ?General no coveting fame and exit without fear of shame, whose only thought is to defend their country and do a good service to his sovereign, this jewel of the Kingdom ".

The bottom line: no one likes a manipulative ladder climber. Just do what's best for the company, and eventually, you'll do what's best for you, too. Stay humble, even after winning awards and accolades, and you'll make more friends (read: allies.)

7. Play to your strengths

Sun Tzu said: "They say that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be a threat in a hundred battles; If you don't know your enemies and know yourself, you win one and lose one; If you don't know your enemies nor yourself, you will have to risk in every single battle. "

The bottom line: if you always play in your personal strengths and understand any potential problems that can degrade performance, you will always be successful in your industry. Stay up to date with trends and always keep honing your skills set.


Sun Tzu might have been a master strategy of war, but his advice is still resonates with us today because it's so easy to be applied to politics, business and our personal lives. Follow his commandments, and everything will go their way.

Resources and further reading



http://EN.wikiquote.org/wiki/The_Art_of_War (contains the original Chinese version and English translation.)


Tucker is a writer and social media professional living in New England. When not staring into a tiny electric field, it is engaged in wanton acts of stupidity at BadBoozeReview.com and at MargeryJones.com posts daily

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