According to the United States Bureau of labor statistics like the average American spends 49 hours per year, only shopping for food and another 288 hours per year, that food.
Not surprisingly, once a month cooking (OAMC) is becoming an increasingly popular way to save time and money. The basic premise is simple: to devote one day a month cooking in bulk using your freezer to extend shelf life of your prepared food.
But not cooking live, OAMC advertising? Does it really save you a considerable amount of time each month? And it's really cheaper than the train several times a day? Here are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of cooking.
What is the deal?
After supposedly month kitchen offers several advantages. Aside from the obvious convenience with Freezer, fully populated with all your favorite products have something to say about making commitments for cooking, multiples, as it makes you more likely to purchase goods in bulk. Because buying in bulk is almost always cheaper to plan meals on a large scale can actually work to be a little cheaper than doing more much less food.
If you have a very small family (read: you are one with two cats), it's very difficult to get the whole thing cooking in one day, so many OAMC cooks view one weekend as cooking date them once a month. And no matter how you cut the numbers, only having produced twice a month is pretty awesome. Dry food is definitely simpler than compiling a full meal and cooking from scratch.
Once a month cooking (OAMC) has many benefits for large families and working singles. Shopping and cooking in the House, you can check out several awards.
1. Shop only once a month
Hourly breakdown at the beginning of this article, we spend almost the entire work week every year, just to shop for food. Although this figure is lower for men than for women, the fact remains that shopping is a major time suck. Making one big trip instead of dozens of short, you save a lot of time. And gas.
2. perfect for busy families
Maybe you have a commute, one hour, limiting available cooking time dramatically by the time you actually walk through the door. Maybe you have a family, rarely eats together through work, sports or other extracurricular activities. No matter what stocks finished in one portion of food is a great way to accommodate busy schedules.
3. you lengthen the shelf life of fresh meats, seafood and products
If you freeze, all your food and ingredients, which means that you can extend the life of perishable goods that might otherwise slow decline in the back of your refrigerator.
4 a great way to spend time with family
Cooking is a great way to bond and build relationships with your family, and there will be a lot more hands in the kitchen when you are cooking enough food to last 30 days.
5. Surprisingly easy for new parents
OAMC actually is great for new moms: super easy to make baby food in bulk quantities. Tricia's blog "once a month MOM says, she got her start in change" OAMC bed with my first pregnancy.During her menstruation circle ...With technical assistance from my husband, I was invited to my once a month, cooking skills and apply them to your blog. It seemed like a great way to share my menu created with others ... I have this love in the Kingdom kids and began training after months baby food menu. (I) …AM so blessed to be able to stay home with my little to know how to save money, trying to make the most out of life, and makes a "duty" once a month, so I can enjoy more time with my family! "
Not everyone is a fan of OAMC, and many believe that the advantages are overrated when you view the shortcomings in this style of cooking.
1. your refrigerator are probably too small
Here's the deal on freezing foods. Yes your home refrigerator has a decent amount of space ... but, once you start using it to freeze, rather than keep frozen foods, you will find that it takes plenty of time to chill down. Typically, you must limit the number of new food you put in the freezer at one time with 2 pounds per cubic foot, which means run out quickly. If you have a stand, or only chest freezer can pony up the dough to invest in one, this is a big problem. Even if you have enough food, where you put it?
2. Organization of this pain
You need to identify and clearly label all food products, as well as the date to ensure an orderly rotation of membership prior to their expiration date. And your shopping and cooking schedule can be just as tedious. You've only got so many burners and oven space therefore requires maximum your preparation and cooking time of forethought.
3. hidden costs
Cleaning is a breeze with OAMC, how many products can be warmed up in their storage containers. However, you can spend more money on disposable pots, films, butcher paper, etc. you may face additional energy costs because of the electricity needed to run a rather large refrigerator for frozen dinners.
4. OAMC limits for people with adventurous palate
Not all ingredients, freeze, limiting you to both types and styles of cuisine you can enjoy during stick OAMC.
OAMC is ideal for certain families and despised by others. Experiment with it on a trial basis to see if it's right for you. Maybe just maybe, will save time, hack, you're looking for.
Resources and further reading
Tucker is a writer and social media professional living in New England. When not staring into a tiny electric field, it is engaged in wanton acts of stupidity at and at posts daily