
8 ways to get smarter every week

We've all heard the statistics: 1 in 4 Americans don't read books during an average year. It seems that for many Americans, learning stops after formal education. Once we are done with high school or College, we forget everything we learned in school and just focus on the development of our career.

However, studies have shown time and again that the more your brain stays during your life, the less likely you will be to develop Alzheimer's disease and dementia later in life. But keeping your brain healthy and growing your intellect takes more than attend more classes in your application. If you're serious about getting smarter every week, there are a few simple tips to keep in mind.

1. make learning daily tasks

Whether you want to learn new words, new English monarch or a small bit of trivia, Subscribe to the daily language of art or history trivia newsletter or RSS feed is a great way to learn small bits of information on a daily basis.

But it's not just enough to read this information. If you want to save it, you need to put it to use. Try to set a personal goal of your daily tidbit, possibly through the word of the day, three times with three different people during the day.

2. keep your mind Sharp

Solution to a puzzle can help your brain to remain flexible, and sharp mind better to preserve information. Solve crossword Sudoku Sunday, take up, or at least try to hand the children's Word jumble in the local paper. Even based puzzle games can help you stay sharp.

3. focus on total training

Do you remember that testing was like in high school? Most likely you crammed all week on a big exams, and second, you turned in your document, all this knowledge went straight out of your head. Did you know that you're not going to be tested on it later this year, so it was wrong?

To avoid something like this happens on your quest to get smarter every week, make sure that you're learning this week builds upon knowledge gained in previous weeks. A good example of this language. Every bit of vocab and grammar is dependent on what you already know, so your mind is much less likely to be reset.

4. take up a new hobby

Getting smarter is partly about learning new facts and partially using part of your mind that are not commonly used. New hobby will make your brain in new directions. If you tend to be more analytical and technical in your endeavours, try branching out into painting. If you are generally creative people, hobby restoration of old cars.

5. Eat right

Take supplements like Ginko biloba for memory and make sure you eat enough fat. Your brain doesn't really work, if you're on a diet of hunger, your brains need cholesterol and fats in order to work properly. Other products, such as broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, berries and fish can also help with memory and brain properly.

6. think positive

Stepcase Lifehack Leon Ho as explained in previous post, thinking that you can get smarter makes you actually get smarter.

"Students who were members of vulnerable groups (such as those previously believed that intelligence could not change, those who previously had low math achievement and female) have higher levels of mathematics after intelligence is malleable interference, whereas the classes of similar students in the control group. In fact girls who got interference fit and even slightly surpassed boys in math classes, while girls in group management is significantly lower than boys.

7. Stay Active

"Exercise and be active can help protect your brain against dementia in later life," said Dr. Anne Corbett. "It also helps keep your weight down, which is important because obesity increases the risk of developing dementia later in life. Be careful, sport, which may cause head injuries because players and boxers are better Alzheimer's ".

8. quit smoking

In a study published in archives of internal medicine after 21.123 California smokers between 1978 and 2008. The study showed that those who were heavy smokers double their risk of memory loss later in life. If you are trying to raise your intelligence, smoking is a habit that will serve you well.


Getting smarter includes a combination of learning new information, save this information, and maintaing health of your brain. If you manage to do all three, you will be able to raise your intelligence by leaps and bounds.

Tucker is a writer and social media professional living in New England. When not staring into a tiny electric field, it is engaged in wanton acts of stupidity at BadBoozeReview.com and at MargeryJones.com posts daily

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