
10 ways to improve your memory skills Boost &

Have you ever noticed that some people are able to easily remember even the most mundane details and quickly understand new things and wishes that you too can be like? ?Well you can. ?To unlock the potential of your brain, you need to keep it active and urgent. ?From spending on the couch watching mindless television show is not going to help. ?In addition to receiving of flashcards, what should I do to help remember things better and faster to learn new things? ?Check out these tips:

To & to get your body moving – implement not only to exercise the body, it also helps to exercise your brain. ?Obesity and the many diseases that eventually due to excess can cause serious harm to the brain. ?In addition, without regular exercise Board begins to increase in your arteries and blood vessels begin to lose the ability to effectively pump blood. ?Plaque accumulation leads to heart attacks, but it also reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients that holds blood to your brain. ?When the nutrients don't make it there, dropping the ability of brain function. ?To prevent this, make sure you get traffic every day, even if its just a brisk walk, it will help maintain and increase your mental accuity. Brisk walking, swimming and dancing are all excellent.Eliminate stress and seek help for depression (if any). Anything that causes major stress, such as anger or fear, will eat away at the time in parts of your brain responsible for memory. ?Among the most stress, depression, brain damage, which in fact often Diagnose a memory problem because one of its main symptoms are inability to concentrate. ?If you don't focus, then you might feel like you're constantly forgetting things. Depression increases cortisol levels in your blood, which increases the level of cortisol in the brain. ?Doctors concluded that increased cortisol detracts from certain areas of the brain, especially the hippocampus, which is where short-term memory. ?Thus, prolonged depression can break your brain's ability to remember something new. ?Seek professional help to deal with your depression and your brain will thank you.Get a good night's sleep and taking NAPS. Receive continuous 7-8 hours of sleep each night will increase your memory. During sleep, brain firms up memories of recent information received and enough sleep will help you get through the entire range of night cycles that are required for optimal brain and body functioning in waking hours. ?NAPS throughout the day, especially when learning something new can also help you keep these memories, and recharge your brain and keep it better.Write it down. If there is something you want to remember writing it might help. ?Writing it creates a stream of blood oxygen in parts of your brain, responsible for your memories and literally is the part of it. ?You can run a journal, write letters or even start blogging – all these activities will improve your ability to memorize and remember information.Listening to music. Studies show that certain types of music are very helpful in recalling memories. ?The information learned while listening to a particular song or collections often can be recalled thinking about songs or "plays" it mentally. ?Songs and music can serve as a hint to tow up to particular memories.Feed your brain. 50-60 per cent of the total weight of the brain is pure fat, which is used for its billions of nerve cells. ?More isolated cell, the faster it can send messages and the faster you would think. ?This is exactly why parents are encouraged to feed their young children just milk and limit the diet – their brains requires FAT to grow and function properly. ?Skimping on fats can be devastating even for an adult brain. ?Thus there are products that contain a healthy mix of fats is essential for long-term memory. ?Some excellent dining choices include fish (especially mackerel, anchovies, and wild salmon) and dark leafy green vegetables. ?Obviously, deep-fried foods contain fat, but their lack of nutritional value is going to help your brain or your body, so think of healthy nutrition and fat.Visual concept. In order to remember things, many people you want to visualize the information they learn. ?Note the photographers, charts, and other graphic elements that may appear in your tutorial, or unless you examine the book, trying to pull up a mental image of what it is you want to remember. ?This can also help to make your own graphics or numbers, or use the colors and markers to group related ideas in your notes.Teach someone else. Reading aloud has been shown to significantly improve your memory. ?Further expansion of this idea is the fact that have psychologists and pedagogues, students learn new concepts to others, so HES to enhance understanding and feedback. ?Teach new concepts and information to the partner, friend or studies and you will find you remember data better.Crosswords, reading, or playing cards. Studies have shown that makes any of these activities on a daily basis not only to keep your brain active, but also help delay memory loss, especially in those who develop dementia. ?So pick up a daily crossword and work on this, read a book or enjoy a game of Solitaire.Breakfast and make sure it includes the egg. Accrording Larry Mccleary, m.d., author of brain trust program, the egg is a perfect breakfast. ?Eggs contain B vitamins that help nerve cells burn glucose, antioxidants, which protect against damage to neurons and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are nerve cells fire at optimum speed. ?Other products to add to your breakfast include fruits, vegetables and meat proteins. ?Avoid trans fat and high fructose corn syrup. ?Trans fat reduces the ability of the brain cells to communicate with eachother, and HFC actually compresses the brain by cell damage. ?Having a healthy breakfast in the morning has been shown to improve performance throughout the day.

What are some tips or tricks you have food to boost your memory and to keep your brain sharp?

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Julie McCormick as, a freelance writer and co-owner of the Cleveland leader, visit the Technorati Top 100. She is married and mother of two small children. You'll often find her playing around with the latest tech gadgets, messing around with the code or writing storm. She has a Bachelor's degree in Visual Communications and spent nearly a decade working in one of the largest public libraries in the United States before calling it quits, embarking on a new path.

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